This Post is Brought to You by Spiders. And Logic.

I stayed up until 6:00 AM because when I tried to go to bed, I found two spiders on my blanket and I thought maybe there were more and maybe...


Saturday is Spaghatta Nadle Day!!!

If you are new to Spaghatta Nadle, go here first.

Spaghatta Nadle!

To be continued... Spaghatta Nadle Part 2

This is Why I Have Hundreds of Unpublished Posts...

I drew this today: I thought it was really funny.  I showed it to Boyfriend, and he looked at it for an awkwardly long time before looking u...

Melodramatic Cards

This Might Ruin Valentine's Day...

If you forget Valentine's Day, you're actually kind of a hero.   For flowers . While we're on the subject, look at this romantic...

Boyfriend Doesn't Have Ebola. Probably.

I took Boyfriend to the Emergency Room last night because he was vomiting up vast quantities of what I thought was blood but actually it was...

Why I Don't Use a Radio Alarm Clock

Because waking up to "Mambo Number Five" by Lou Bega feels like being stabbed in the face with music. UPDATE: Just because I feel...