A List of Small Dog Breeds from A - Z. Boston Terrier. Share on Facebook Share. Share on Twitter Tweet.. which states that the breed was started by a dog named Judge. The Boston Terrier was first known as other names including Boston bulldogs, bullet heads, American terriers, round-headed bull terriers, and similar. This breed was originally. Complete list of AKC recognized dog breeds. Includes personality, history, health, nutrition, grooming, pictures, videos and AKC breed standard.
Australian Terrier Puppies ♡ I remember when Wilfred was
The small-sized Jack Russell Terrier (#72) is known as the Parson Russell Terrier in the U.S. The Parson (Jack) Russell is the most energetic, fearless and athletic of all the terrier dog breeds. The Parson Russell demands full participation in the family activities with lots of physical and mental challenges.

Terrier dog breeds list. There are few dog breeds as well-loved and well-known as the Terrier family. The term “terrier” derives from the old English and French words for earth, which isn’t surprising for these salt-of-the-earth canine companions.While the most common impressions of terriers bend towards the energetic and playful, the truth is that this surprisingly large family of dogs has a wide range of. Complete dog breeds A-Z list with info & facts. Meet all purebred and cross breed dog breeds by alphabetical order. Dog breeds from A to Z with pictures. Feb 8, 2018 - Explore Susan Bohlmann's board "Terrier Breeds" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Terrier breeds, Terrier, Dog breeds.
Terrier Dog Breeds. Feisty is the word most often used to describe terriers. From the Latin terra, for earth, most terriers were originally bred to "go to ground" after burrowing vermin, larger rodents and even foxes. These fiery little dynamos would dig up underground dens and burrows while barking furiously, forcing the inhabitants out where. Terrier dog breeds were originally bred to hunt, whether that be exterminating rats or helping hunters bring down large animals. Airedale Terrier. The Airedale Terrier was originally bred in the United Kingdom as a hunting dog. They also acted as guard dogs during World War I. They are sometimes called King of the Terriers. Terrier Dog Breeds: Information about the different breeds of Terrier dogs is provided here. Pictures of Terrier breeds of dogs are also available here
The Black Russian Terrier was created in Russia during the late 1940s and early 1950s by selective interbreeding of several breeds, including the Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer, Airedale Terrier and Newfoundland.The Giant Schnauzer is considered to be the main ancestor of the breed. The initial breeding was supervised by the military cynological school outside Moscow, and the dogs were based in. Terrier is a type of dog originally bred to hunt vermin. A terrier is a dog of any one of many breeds or landraces of the terrier type group, which are typically small, wiry, game and fearless. Terrier breeds vary greatly in size from just 1 kg (2 lb) to over 32 kg and are usually categorized by size or function. There are terrier dog breeds in sizes ranging from small to large. Some have long, smooth coats, while others are short and wiry. With so many different types of terriers to choose from, you should have no trouble finding the perfect dog for you.
Bred to hunt, kill vermin and to guard their families home or barn; sizes range from fairly small, as in the Norfolk, Cairn or West Highland White Terrier, to the larger and grand Airedale Terrier. American Pit Bull Terrier; American Staffordshire Terrier (286) American Water Spaniel (301) Anatolian Shepherd Dog (331) Anglo-French Medium-Sized Hound (325) Appenzell Cattle Dog (046) Arabian Greyhound (188) Ardennes Cattle Dog (171) Ariege Pointing Dog (177) Ariegeois (020) Artesian-Norman Basset (034) Artois Hound (028) Atlas Mountain Dog. Ohoho / Getty Images. It’s probably not shocking to learn that the Scottish Terrier originated in Scotland. The breed, originally known as Aberdeen Terriers and now referred to mostly as Scotties, was bred to hunt vermin in the Scottish Highlands, and is thought by some experts to be the oldest variety of dog breed indigenous to Great Britain.
More Terrier Dog Breeds (Non- AKC) These dogs may be AKC breeds but classified in a different group, such as the Yorkshire Terrier. Yorkies are part of AKC Toy Group. Others are not recognized by AKC, but may be recognized by another large Kennel Club. The following is a list of extinct dog breeds and varieties. Some, but not all, of these breeds were recognized by kennel clubs such as the Fédération Cynologique Internationale and the Kennel Club.. List of extinct dog breeds and varieties The Boston Terrier is an American breed of domesticated dog, small to medium-sized with a muscular and heavy-set appearance similar to the English terrier breeds. Bull Terrier The Bull Terrier is a stout and muscular dog, stubborn and independent in nature and very loyal to its owner.
Terrier Group Dog Breeds. Find buying advice, popularity rankings, average prices and other useful information and facts on 244 Dog Breeds using our Pets4Homes advanced dog breed selector. Refine the list of dog breeds using characteristics such as Intelligence, Exercise Needs and Amount of Shedding. Sort by popularity, name and size. Airedale Terrier, also called Bingley Terrier and Waterside Terrier, is a dog breed of the terrier type that originated in the valley of the River Aire, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England. It is often called the King of all terrier dog breeds. All About Terrier Dog Breeds If you have been thinking about adding a terrier dog or puppy to your family, you’re probably wondering about which breed of terrier is best suited to your lifestyle. With so many different types, sizes and breeds of terrier out there, it’s important to make an educated decision.
Terrier is a type of dog originally created to hunt vermin. Over time, they became companions as well as working dogs. Dog Breeds List. Cat Breeds List. Home All Breeds Breeds Quiz. Search. Size Smallest Small Medium Large Giant Characteristics Hypoallergenic Fluffy Best family Smartest Best guard
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