"This is my baby. (The dapple one in the front, shown with her long hair Mini Dachshund sister at 2 years old. Her name is Schatzie. She is a cross between a short hair Mini Dachshund and a Yorkie.Her size is considered "teacup" since she's 5 pounds at 2 years old." Mother is my gorgeous Dachshund X Terrier and Dad was a friends miniature poodle, mother can been seen with her puppies. They are being raised in a family home so are used to a busy house hold. They have been micro chipped, flea treated and wormed and come with a puppy pack including some food, scent blanket and toys.
Doxiepoo (DachshundToy Poodle Mix) Facts, Temperament
DoxiePoo: Poodle Dachshund Mixes. The DoxiePoo’s name is a giveaway as to which other purebred dog parent this dog shares with the Dachshund—the Poodle. Both the Poodle and the Dachshund share a history as working dogs. The Poodle’s background is as a water retriever hunting game.

Dachshund poodle mix dog. The size of the Dachshund Poodle mix is based on the size of their parents and can range from miniature to medium-sized dogs. Doxiepoo Dog Breed Coat & Grooming: Doxiepoo puppies can have different lengths of hair, generally similar to the length of the coat of the Dachshund parent. Dachshund and Poodle Mix – Common Information and Pictures: Dachshund Poodle Mix Puppies For Sale Doxiepoos can be small as their Toy Poodle parents or become medium-sized dogs as Dachshunds (however, you can hardly predict this parameter when your dog is still a puppy, but in general these dogs weight somewhere from 4 to 15 kilos). Likewise, the Dachshund Poodle mix can also turn out to have a combination of the parent’s worse traits. But in most cases, these canine breeds are easy to train, people-oriented, and friendly. It is likely for the Poodle to be a naughty and active dog with a good sense of humor.
The Dachshund Poodle Mix is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Dachshund and the Poodle. This is sometimes referred to as the Doxiepoo or the weiner dog Poodle mix.. This has become a common mixed breed dog. Be very careful when getting one as these are a common breed to come from Puppy Mills. We will examine some common questions about the different Dachshund Poodle mixes below. Some Dachshund Poodle mix dogs may have strong hunting instinct and small pets should be introduced very carefully. It is never a good idea to leave small pets such as hamsters, kittens or small birds unsupervised around a Doxiepoo dog, especially without prior socialization as this situation may not end well for the smaller pet. Dachshunds are muscular, little dogs that carry their elongated body with a bold and confident look. These versatile hounds make excellent show dogs, family companions, and even small-game hunters. Because of their cute appearance, playful nature, and small size, Dachshund mixes are popular with apartment dwellers. Apart from the Dachshund crosses listed above, breeders produce […]
The Poodle is the most popular non-shedding dog. An Akita Poodle mix will inherit most of the best qualities of both breeds: a brave, energetic, family friendly, intelligent and faithful dog. 1. Pomapoo (Pomeranian Poodle Mix) A Pomeranian dog (Left) and the Pomeranian Poodle mix (Pomapoo, Right) The Pomapoo are a mix between a Poodle and the. The Toy Poodle variation was first bred in America in the 20th century, to serve as a city-dwelling companion. Size, Height, and Weight of the Daschund Poodle Mix. The Dachshund comes in two varieties—standard and miniature. Clocking in at between 8 to 9 inches as standard and 5 to 6 inches as miniature, the Dachshund is a small dog. A Doxiepoo is a mix of a Dachshund and a Poodle, or, rarely, the offspring of two Doxie/Poodle mixes bred with each other. Although their looks vary a great deal, the Doxiepoo as advertised should combine the long, low-slung body of the Dachshund and the curly coat of the Poodle, but even more than most "designer dogs ," the Doxiepoo's looks.
A Dachshund Poodle Mix, this is a fantastic looking dog with many commendable traits. This article considers the physical features of the Dachshund Poodle Mix, its temperament, health, lifespan, and lifestyle requirements. Therefore, you can decide if a Doxiepoo is a right breed for you. What is a Dachshund Poodle Mix? The Doxiepoo also called the Doodle, Doxiedoodle, Dachshundpoo or the Dachshunddoodle is a cross between the Dachshund and the Poodle. He is a medium sized cross breed with a life span of 10 to 15 years. He commonly takes part in competitive obedience and agility and is an especially popular mixed breed in the Southern states of America. It can inherit the short body of a Poodle and the fur of a Dachshund or the curly Poodle’s coat and the Dachshund’s long body. The Doxiepoo is either a small or mid-size species of dog, due to the fact that the parent breeds can also vary in size quite significantly.
The Doxiepoo combines the elegant Poodle with the sassy Dachshund. With two intelligent parent breeds, Doxiepoos can be a joy to train, so long as you can put up with occasional stubbornness and mischief. The Poodle side can also lend a hypoallergenic coat if it shines through to the pup. Don’t expect the overly poofy-ness to come across as well. The Doxiepoo, developed from the Dachshund and the Toy Poodle, is one of the most unpredictable among the crossbreed dogs.They can inherit the Dachshund’s long body covered with the Poodle’s curly coat, or even the vice versa. Even the siblings of the same litter might vary from each other in appearance. Doxiepoo is a purebred German dog. Both his parents, the Dachshund and Toy Poodle, hail from Deutschland. To understand him better, you have to be acquainted with his parents. In ancient times, the Toy Poodle was used as a hunting dog.
Willow at about 6 months old—"Willow is a mix of long-haired Dachshund and Toy Poodle. She is an incredibly clever and sweet-natured dog, abounding in personality and charm." She is an incredibly clever and sweet-natured dog, abounding in personality and charm." Dachshund Mixes Home » Dog Categories » Dachshund Mixes An awful lot of people love Dachshunds. They don't shed a lot and don't take up much space. They are good in apartments. They are cute, smart, and affectionate. They are also stubborn, determined and sometimes sneaky. They like their own way about things and are not the easiest dogs to. Jan 21, 2020 - Explore Trish Stafford's board "Doxiepoo" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Doxiepoo, Dogs, Dachshund.
Doxiepoo (Poodle x Dachshund) Photo from BuzzSharer. Dachshunds are certainly wonderful dogs, but they are sometimes a bit difficult to housebreak and they shed a moderate amount, which can make them too messy for some owners. However, by crossing a dachshund with a breed like the poodle, which takes training well and hardly sheds at all, you.
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